This document provides instructions to integrate the SMTP server in the UPSSO On-Premises application. The UPSSO application will send the email’s through this mail server such as OTP Email, Invite Email, Forgot Password Email, etc
Login into the UPSSO portal as an administrator.
Click on the “SMTP Integration” = “SMTP Integration” link from the left side menu.
Enter the values into the form as described by the below table.
SMTP Host: Hostname or IP address of the mail server.
SMTP Port: Port number of the mail server. (25 in most cases)
SMTP Username: Username to access mail server
SMTP From E-Mail: The mail id from which OTP mails will be sent.
SMTP From Name: The display name of the sender
SMTP Password: Password to access mail server (It’s not required by the mail server then please it blank)
Confirm SMTP Password: Repeat the same password entered above.
Use SSL? : If the mail server is configured for SSL communication then please select the checkbox.
4. Click on the “SAVE” button.
5. Click on the “TEST SMTP” button to test the connection with the mail server. If the connection is successful then a message will be flashed like “SMTP Connection Successful”.
6. Please refer to the following screenshot reference
UPSSO administrator can customize the email messages going out from the system such as OTP Email, Invite Email, Password Reset Email, etc
Login into the UPSSO portal as an administrator.
Click on the “SMTP Integration” => “E-Mail Templates” from the left side menu.
All the email templates will be displayed here for editing.
Let’s take “OTP Email” as an example. You can specify the values as described below,
OTP E-Mail Subject: Subject of the OTP mail as per your choice.
OTP E-Mail Template: Here we can specify the email message in HTML format. We can specify the placeholders for dynamic values such as Username, OTP number by specifying $USERNAME, $OTP. These placeholder variables will be replaced with the actual values at the time of sending the email.
Note: Under each email template we can find the variables available to use
5. Click on the “UPDATE” button.
6. Please refer to the screenshot below